- すばる望遠鏡とニューホライズンズの20年の挑戦-
残念ながら、この観測で見つかったカイパーベルト天体は、探査機の燃料の制限によりフライバイの候補にならなかったのですが、もっと遠くにある新しい天体ならば、ニューホライズンズの残りの燃料で到達できるかもしれません。2020年からはすばる望遠鏡の超広視野主焦点カメラHyper Suprime-Cam(ハイパー・シュプリーム・カム;HSC)を使ったより深い観測が始まり、2023年までの観測で239個のカイパーベルト天体が発見されました。
HSCで発見された天体の多くは、太陽から30-55 天文単位(au;1天文単位は太陽-地球間の距離に相当する)の距離にあり、既知のカイパーベルトの中にあると考えられます。一方、研究チームが予期しなかったことは、70-90 auあたりに一群の天体がありそうに見えることと、55 auと70 auの間に(天体が少ない)谷間があるように見えることです。このような谷間は他の観測では報告されていなかったものです。
「70-90 auに新たな天体群があるのかもしれない。もしこれが確かならば大発見です。原始太陽系星雲はこれまで信じられていたよりもはるかに大きかったことになり、太陽系の惑星形成過程の研究に影響を与えるかもしれません」と吉田博士は語ります。
ニューホライズンズは、現在 太陽から60 auのところをさらに外側に向って飛行しています。未発見の遠方天体はまだまだ沢山あるはず。すばる望遠鏡とニューホライズンズ探査機が、カイパーベルトの先に何を発見するのか、研究チームは楽しみにしています。
- Buie et al. 2024 "The New Horizons Extended Mission Target: Arrokoth Search and Discovery"
プレプリントはこちら。 - Fraser et al. 2024 "Candidate Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the New Horizons Subaru TNO Survey"
(注1) 海王星の先、太陽から約30 au~55 auにある、小惑星などの天体(小天体)がリング状に分布している領域を「カイパーベルト」と呼びます。カイパーベルトに分布する小天体を「カイパーベルト天体」と呼びます。
Structure of the Outer Solar System Revealed - The Subaru Telescope and New Horizons' 20-Year Challenge
Survey observations using the Subaru Telescope's ultra-widefield prime focus camera have revealed that there may be a population of small bodies further out in the Kuiper Belt waiting to be discovered. The results, which are important for understanding the formation of the Solar System, were obtained through an international collaboration between the Subaru Telescope and the New Horizons spacecraft traveling through the outer Solar System.
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched in 2006 with the critical mission of observing the surfaces of outer Solar System bodies up close for the first time in human history; it successfully completed a flyby of the Pluto system in 2015, and in 2019 it made a flyby of one of the Kuiper Belt objects, (486958) Arrokoth. There have been five spacecrafts that have flown to the outer Solar System (including New Horizons), but New Horizons is the only spacecraft that has flown through the Kuiper Belt while observing Kuiper Belt objects (Note 1).
When observing Kuiper Belt objects from the ground, we can only observe them at small solar phase angles (the angle between the sun, the object, and the observer). On the other hand, when observing a Kuiper Belt object from a spacecraft in the Kuiper Belt, the same object can be observed at various phase angles and its reflection characteristics can be used to estimate the surface properties of the object. This is something only New Horizons can do.
However, the camera on the spacecraft has a narrow field-of-view and cannot discover Kuiper Belt objects on its own. This is where the Subaru Telescope comes in. The Subaru Telescope uses its wide-field camera to find many Kuiper Belt objects and then narrow down the list of objects that the spacecraft can fly by and observe. This collaboration between New Horizons and the Subaru Telescope began in 2004.
For observations conducted during 2004-2005 with Subaru Telescope’s prime focus camera (Suprime-Cam), due to the orbital relationship between Pluto and the spacecraft, an area near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy got caught in the background of the search area for Kuiper Belt objects. Although it was extremely difficult to search for Solar System objects with many background stars, the research team was able to find 24 Kuiper Belt objects (for more information, see (1) Buie et al. 2024).
Unfortunately, the Kuiper belt objects so far found during this observation require too much fuel for the spacecraft to flyby, but new ones at great distance may fall within the available fuel reach of New Horizons. In 2020, deeper observations began with Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on the Subaru Telescope, and by 2023, there had been 239 Kuiper Belt objects discovered (for more information, see (2) Fraser et al. 2024).
“In addition to observations using the Subaru Telescope, new machine learning techniques had to be developed to search for objects in the observed images. To validate the reality of objects identified by the techniques, the team members had to visually check thousands to tens of thousands of images and, however, our efforts paid off with excellent results” says team member Dr. Ryo Ishimaru (Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology).
“The most exciting part of the HSC observations was the discovery of 11 objects at distances beyond the known Kuiper Belt,” says team member Dr. Fumi Yoshida (University of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences; Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology).
Many of the objects discovered with HSC are located at distances of 30-55 astronomical units (au) from the Sun (1 au corresponds to the distance between the Sun and Earth) and are thought to be within the known Kuiper Belt. On the other hand, the team was not expecting what appears to be a cluster of objects in the 70-90 au region and a valley between 55 au and 70 au (where only a small number of objects are distributed). Such a valley had not been reported in other observations.
There may be a new population of Kuiper Belt objects at 70-90 au. “If this is confirmed, it would be a major discovery. The primordial solar nebula was much larger than previously thought, and this may have implications for studying the planet formation process in our Solar System," says Dr. Yoshida.
“In contrary to the conventional view that our Kuiper belt is extremely compact compared to other protoplanetary disks, our results suggest that the Kuiper belt may extend much farther than expected, which would be important in understand the Solar System's position within the wide range of planetary systems” says Dr. Ishimaru.
New Horizons mission Principal Investigator Dr. Alan Stern says, “This is a groundbreaking discovery revealing something unexpected, new, and exciting in the distant reaches of the Solar System; this discovery probably would not have been possible without the world class capabilities of the Subaru observatory.”
To determine the exact orbits of the objects discovered in this study, the research team is continuing observations with HSC. “I think the discovery of distant objects and the determination of their orbital distribution are important as a stepping stone to understanding the formation history of the Solar System, comparing it with exoplanetary systems, and understanding universal planet formation," Dr. Yoshida says of the significance of the study.
New Horizons is currently traveling further out, 60 au from the Sun. There must be many more distant objects that we have not yet discovered. The research team is excited to see what the Subaru Telescope and the New Horizons spacecraft will discover beyond the Kuiper Belt.
These results were published in two scientific papers in the Planetary Science Journal.
(1) Buie et al. 2024 "The New Horizons Extended Mission Target: Arrokoth Search and Discovery"
(2) Fraser et al. 2024 "Candidate Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the New Horizons Subaru TNO Survey"
(Note 1) The Kuiper Belt is a ring-shaped region of asteroids and other celestial bodies (small objects) located beyond Neptune, about 30 to 55 au from the Sun. Small objects distributed in the Kuiper Belt are called “Kuiper Belt Objects.”
About the Subaru Telescope
The Subaru Telescope is a large optical-infrared telescope operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, National Institutes of Natural Sciences with the support of the MEXT Project to Promote Large Scientific Frontiers. We are honored and grateful for the opportunity of observing the Universe from Maunakea, which has cultural, historical, and natural significance in Hawai`i.
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担当:石丸 亮
千葉工業大学 惑星探査研究センター 上席研究員