FY2024/25 Annual General Meeting held on August 25

FY2024/25 Annual General Meeting had been held on August 25, 2024 with 30 participants.

Presentation files provided by speakers and the meeting minutes have been released.

Message from the Chairpersons

Dear IOTA/EA Members,

Thank you very much for attending the Annual Meeting of IOTA/EA. Thanks to all of you, we were able to spend a meaningful time together.

Since its inception last year, IOTA/EA members and board members have been working collaboratively to implement and promote occultation observations. As of September 4, 2024, we have 79 members (56 full
members and 23 associate members).

In just one year since our establishment, IOTA/EA has developed various activities in line with the goals we set during the Inaugural General Meeting. As we have become more active, it has become clear that we need to address several issues, including predicting and compiling occultation observations, publishing papers, organizing observation campaigns, and holding study sessions to improve observation accuracy. A key short-term challenge is enabling individual observers to make accurate observations and analyze data effectively. To enhance the observation and analysis skills of our members, we will continue to hold workshops and distribute observation manuals.

We welcome comments and questions from our members, which will inform our future activities. We look forward to collaborating with you moving forward.
All of us on the Board, along with our members, are committed to reporting on the further development of IOTA/EA at the next Annual Meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Fumi Yoshida and Tsutomu Hayamizu




IOTA/EAは昨年の設立総会以来会員の皆様、役員一丸となって、掩蔽観測の実施と普及に精力的に努めてまいりました。おかげさまで会員数は2024年9月4日現在で79名(正会員56名、準会員23名Regular members: 56 persons, Associate members: 23 persons)になりました。



