Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Chiba Institute of Technology believes that as the use of personal information has increased, it must be handled in a very careful way under the principle of individual respect. For this reason, while complying with the relevant laws and regulations, we will make every possible effort to ensure the proper handling of personal information on the basis of the following privacy policy (personal information protection guidelines).
1. About the gathering of personal information
On this site, personal name, address, phone number, date of birth and other information allowing to identify individuals and the content of the inquiry are gathered if filled from our site inquiry form and sent.
2. The purposes of use of personal information
On this site, the personal information gathered is used to answer inquiry content and recruitment as well as providing our University services and guidance.
3. Providing personal information to a third-party
In the case of providing personal information to a third-party, the consent of the individual in question shall always be obtained or that individual shall receive a notification or an official announcement in advance that personal information is provided to a third-party. However, if providing personal information to a third-party has been recognized by the laws and regulations in cases it is difficult to obtain the consent and necessary for the protection of human life, health or property, it shall be no more limited to the above-mentioned conditions.
4. About the modification, removal and destruction of personal information
Regarding the personal information owned by our University, data can be modified, updated or deleted when the person itself contact the Foundation. In addition, personal information data no longer needed is destroyed immediately in a proper way after a certain period of time.
5. About the management of personal information
Security training is implemented for our University personnel, understanding the importance of the personal information gathered, and paying enough attention when handling it.In addition, we are striving to prevent unauthorized access to the server environment operating this site and making our utmost efforts to protect customers data from frauds such as eavesdropping, tampering, data leakage, etc.
6. About access log file
Our University is utilizing the access log file (information such as visited pages, access time, place just before accessing the site, etc., and also information including the keywords used for the access from the search engine and others) of customers who visited this site then using it for site management and access circumstances analysis. It is not used to gather information identifying specific individuals.